Thursday 18 April 2013

cane nak taw isteri tu syg kat suami..

A man asked the wise man, how would I know if my wife loves me?

The man replied, when she does 14 things be assured that she loves you .
The man asked, so what are the 14 things?
The wise man answered:

1- If she likes to hear about your demeanour (behavior) be sure that she loves you.

2- If she didn’t get angry when you contradicted her opinion.

3- If she becomes sad because of your sadness or anger.

4- If she always tries to create topics to make conversation with you.

5- If she always consults you before she makes something or takes a decision.

6- If she gets very happy when you gift her with something even if it’s a very simple gift.

7-if she always tries to help you or even do some of your tasks.

8- If she worries about you in your absence.

9- If she cares to do what pleases you, and never repeats what angers you.

10- If she doesn’t care about how little you earn (money).

11- If she patiently bears the harm which was caused because of you.

12- If she likes to share whatever you like and cares to become a part of your world and your hobbies.

13- She don’t feel shy of whatever you do.

14- She always gives you good news personally, instead of you hearing from a third party.
We ask Allah to bless us with true love and to assist us in maintaining it, Aameen.

p/s: sume pass...kecuali no 10  n 13.... no 10 ni baru nak blajar time..yea sy patotnye phm hidup ni ada ups n downs...tmbh2 klu berbisnes...errr no 13...bende2 laen x klu Mr T sy cakap kuat kat tempat formal, rasa cm segan sket..sbb sume org leh dgr apa kita bualkan...huhuhuhuhu...kena blajar time la plan2...


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